CHORUS is a cooperative effort of diverse organizations engaged in scholarly publishing worldwide. CHORUS advances sustainable open access to published articles reporting on funded research, helping to meet funder mandates while saving all stakeholders time, effort, and money.
Harmonizing Open Access Compliance: Substantial investments made over the years have created an open, interoperable, and scalable infrastructure for the scholarly research ecosystem. CHORUS weaves these systems, services, and open APIs together with new ones to associate published research articles with the funders which support the underlying research.
CHORUS monitors published articles reporting on funded research. We audit records for open accessibility on publishers’ sites, availability of reuse licenses, archival and preservation arrangements, and links from funder open or public access repositories. These data are updated daily and are growing quickly as members publish routinely.
Supports Gold & Green: Part of what sets CHORUS apart is that it works across the spectrum of publishing models and is interoperable with platforms, third party services, and funding agencies portals. It doesn’t matter if an open access program is green, gold, or hybrid; what reuse license is employed; how long the embargo is; and which version is made public. CHORUS strikes a balance to serve the diverse needs of the scholarly community.
Our Institutions
- CSIRO Institution
- Chiba University
- Iowa State University
- Kyushu University
- Los Alamos National Laboratory
- National Institute for Environmental Studies of Japan
- National Institute for Materials Science
- The National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience
- University of Denver
- University of Florida
Find more information on how CHORUS supports institutions at Resources for Institutions