“Open for Collaboration”

CHORUS embraces “Open for Collaboration,” an idea that has been central to our genesis, operations, and continuing evolution. CHORUS is all about collaboration.

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CLOCKSS and CHORUS Partner to Support Perpetual Public Access to Articles Reporting on US Funded Research

Stanford, CA and Staten Island, NY March 30, 2015. The CLOCKSS Archive, a not-for-profit joint venture between the world’s leading academic publishers and research libraries, has entered into an agreement with CHORUS (Clearinghouse for the Open Research of the United States), the not-for-profit, cost-effective, and sustainable public access solution, to support the archiving, preservation, and […]

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CHORUS Moves Forward!

Important CHORUS milestones were achieved since Friday: The DOE’s announcement that it will be collaborating with CHORUS as part of its effort to public access to peer-reviewed articles reporting on DOE-funded research. CHORUS’ move from our pilot phase into production. These are important steps, but they are just a beginning. The CHORUS team is working […]

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