CHORUS EventsCHORUS Forum: 12 Best Practices for Research Data Sharing

27 March 2024 – Free online meeting
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM EDT

The joint statement on 12 Best Practices for Research Data Sharing by DataCite, STM and Crossref helps accelerate adoption of best practices and policies, aiming to enhance the scholarly record’s utility and rigor through collaboration. However, research data sharing remains a challenge. This forum will outline the recommendations for the various stakeholders involved in research data sharing and highlight what some endorsers are already doing to make data sharing happen.

Presentations and video available below.



Moderator: Howard Ratner, Executive Director, CHORUS | Video: 00:00:00


Hylke Koers, Chief Information Officer, STM Solutions
Presentation | Video: 00:02:46

Helena Cousijn, Community Engagement Director, DataCite
Presentation |
Video: 00:08:09

Patricia Feeney, Head of Metadata, Crossref
Presentation |
Video: 00:15:26

Katherine Eve, Policy Directory for Open Science, Elsevier
Video: 00:24:19

Daniel Noesgaard, Science Communications Coordinator, Global Biodiversity Information Facility
Presentation |
Video: 00:29:37

Jamie Wittenberg, Assistant Dean for Research & Innovation Strategies, University Libraries, University of Colorado Boulder | Video: 00:36:07

Q&A Video: 00:41:15















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